Just another JavaScript list

March 14, 2014 | JavaScript

I constantly collect and store bookmarks for various programming topics. This post contains high-level bookmarks for large-scale JavaScript apps. I hope you find them useful.

The essentials

A JavaScript refresh

If you have not checked JavaScript for the past few years or if you are new to JavaScript the creators of 'A JavaScript refresh' hope you find this site useful.

JavaScript - The Right Way

Despite the name, this guide doesn't mean exactly “the right way” to do JavaScript. It just gathers all the stuff from top developers into a single place.


This site aims to introduce the concept of Promises - objects which represent the pending result of an asynchronous operation.

Things to consider

Before you start writing a large-scale JavaScript app you may consider:

and more. — Enter Superhero.js, a collection of the best articles, videos and presentations on the topic.

Your location on the JavaScript wave


Contains every JavaScript project you should be looking into with examples, categories, install commands, CDN links, project and author stats, and more.

As an example, here is the entry on JavaScriptOO for Schema-Inspector - a powerful tool to sanitize and validate JS objects.


Complementary source to JavaScriptOO.

As an example, here is the entry on JSDB.io for Offline.js - a library which automatically displays online/offline indications to users.

The UI

A Good User Interface

A running-idea list of how a good user interface looks like. Beneficial for both the business side as well as the clients using it.


An extensive list of browser specific CSS and JavaScript hacks from all over the interwebs.

Screen-size specifications

Helps you quickly find the screen specifications of the most popular devices and monitors currently on the market.



A stack of tools and frameworks intended to help developers quickly build high quality web applications.

Combines several automations into one place, such as:

and more. — You may also see the Automating Front-end Workflow slides.


AngularJS and Ember.js — Read more about Ghost's decision on Ember.js.

If you picked up Angular for its superior test-friendliness here are some links:

Still not convinced? — Take a look at TodoMVC.

Need help to select a mobile framework? — Take a look at PropertyCross.