xUnit.net Attributes Execution Order

March 10, 2013 | xUnit.net

The test below uses the xUnit.net framework and executes twice, since it is decorated with two data sources. The first data source is the built-in [InlineData] and the second data source is the custom [StringData].

[InlineData("foo", "bar")]
public void Test(string a, string b)

xUnit.net invokes in exact order:


  1. [InlineData] consturctor
  2. [StringData] consturctor
  3. [InlineData] IEnumerable<object[]> GetData(MethodInfo, Type[])
  4. [StringData] IEnumerable<object[]> GetData(MethodInfo, Type[])

1st Run

  1. [Intercept] consturctor
  2. [Intercept] void Before(MethodInfo)
  3. [Theory] supplying values for a and b taken from either [InlineData] or [StringData]
  4. [Intercept] void After(MethodInfo)

2nd Run

  1. [Intercept] consturctor
  2. [Intercept] void Before(MethodInfo)
  3. [Theory] supplying values for a and b taken from either [InlineData] or [StringData]
  4. [Intercept] void After(MethodInfo)


[Intercept] is defined as:

internal class InterceptAttribute : BeforeAfterTestAttribute
    public override void Before(MethodInfo methodUnderTest)

    public override void After(MethodInfo methodUnderTest)

It allows code to be run before and after each test is run.

[StringData] is defined as:

internal class StringDataAttribute : DataAttribute
    public override IEnumerable<object[]> GetData(
        MethodInfo methodUnderTest,
        Type[] parameterTypes)
        yield return new object[] { "cow", "zoo" };