Migrating from a blogging service to Jekyll and GitHub

May 25, 2012 | Miscellaneous

Since 2010, and until a week ago, I had my site powered up and hosted by a paid blogging service.

The good thing with (paid) blogging services is that they handle:

The bad thing with blogging services is that they own your content and are very limited when it comes to:

I believe that nowadays all the above stuff is trivial so it should be done in very simple way.

Thus, one should be able to:

Furthermore, I do believe that in the future we will use (even more):

With all the above and since GitHub allows for publishing web content I decided to move into that direction. The migration was successful.

This site is now powered by Jekyll. Using this plugin I was able to keep all the old permalinks and redirect to the new ones.

The only limitation I came across is that GitHub runs Jekyll with the –safe switch and it will not load any custom plugins (for security reasons). However, one can run the site locally and copy the output that is being generated by the plugin and include it in the source.

Some key highlights:

I like it pretty good, let's see how it goes.